11 Jul 2009

Day 5 (09-May-2009) Buna - Kokoda

Up, fed, ablutions done and packed by 09:00hrs, in anticipation of an early departure back to Popondetta – NOT! The truck eventually arrived after midday, with journey back to town every bit as uncomfortable as the one to Buna. After later lunch back in the open air museum we at last headed for Kokoda – another 2hr bone-crushing journey in the flatbed truck. The journey used to take less time, but a major cyclone slammed into PNG in 2007, with the subsequent floods knocking out all the river crossings. On arrival at the Kumusi River therefore, which was in full flood, this meant having to be ferried across raging rapids in large inflated inner tubes – much to Simon’s consternation given his limited swimming prowess. The onward journey to Kokoda itself by police 4x4 was uneventful, arriving just after dark.

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