9 Sept 2008

Day 9 (05-Sep-2008) San Martino

Up again at 06:00hrs in order to pack for solo finish of Alto Via 2 and be at cable car for ride back up to Refugio Roesetta on Paledi San Martino massif. The weather, while not sunny, appeared at least calm from the cozy interior of the Hotel room. Alas, the same could not be said on disembarking from the cable car at 08:00hrs.

The weather at 2700m was very menacing, with fierce gusting winds, heavy rain and freezing temperatures. After battling the conditions for 30 mins. to reach the rifugio I was notified by Moutain Rangers that the route ahead to Rifugio Treviso had been closed, as some of the ridges are very exposed and narrow. With little prospect of conditions improving for the rest of the day I thus had no choice but to beat a slow retreat back up to the cable car and descend to town, knowing full well this meant having to abandon rest of Alto Via 2 for another time.

Though obviously disappointed, I was happy to be back with Astrid again, and we both immediately turned our attentions to preparations for ‘Plan B’. After reviewing all available maps, weather reports and following number of Internet searches on my Blackberry, we opted for one final long ‘sendentary’ hike tomorrow before catching a late afternoon bus to Venice for a 4-day cultural awareness program (the Dutch have so little to speak of). Having managed to also book Hotel accommodation in Venice we then set off for 3-hour wet afternoon stroll through the surrounding forest.

The associated expenditure of energy was considered just cause for another culinary extravagana to end the day.

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