1 Jan 2013

Day 11 (01-Jan-13) Adelaide - Broken Hill (551 km)

For the first time in our adult lives we were unable to see in the New Year, with tiredness sweeping over us by 22:00hrs the evening before. Fortunately, we did nonetheless manage to witness a spectacular fireworks display in the centre of town. This is because for the past few years the city has arranged two separate displays, one at 21:00hrs for families with young children, and another at midnight. While very tired, we were alas denied a good nights sleep, as the hotel is situated close to the night club district! The peace and serenity of our hotel room was thus shattered by thumping music until just past 04:00hrs, with some revellers found still celebrating when we left the Hotel at 08:15hrs.
The journey to Broken Hill via the famous Barossa Valley and the mining community of Burra took place under clear blue skies and an inexorably increasing air temperature. The route was straightforward and the road surface surprisingly good, with cruise control set at 110 km/hr. Following a few pit stops to refuel, rejuvenate and take in the changing scenery, we arrived in Broken Hill at 15:15hrs, having managed to successfully avoid hitting any emus and kangaroos. We deemed this a major accomplishment, given the amount of road kill encountered. We also encountered a few dust devils, with one in particular being very spectacular.
On arrival in Broken Hill we at first thought we had arrived in a ghost town, for there was no traffic, all the shops and bars were shut, and we saw no people. We therefore elected to first check in to our bungalow at the edge of town before heading into the town centre for a little exploratory walk. With air temperatures hovering slightly above 38C we decided to take it slow, with the walk down the high street a decidedly sedentary affair. After capturing obligatory photos and video as evidence of our stay we headed up to the mine museum situated at the top of a giant slag heap that surrounds one side of the city. Alas, like the rest of the town, it was shut, but the views were spectacular.

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