15 Aug 2007

Day 11 (14-Aug-07) - Hontanas to Fromista

Waking up at 05:00, before the alarm or other residents gave us the opportunity to be out the door by the intended wake-up time of 05:30hrs. This was quite surprising as we’d met up again with Brian and some alcoholic beverages the night before.

Having to be guide to some other early birds (why do these people think they can start in the dark without head torches to even distinguish their heads from their a***s?) the first hour was spent as always heading away from sunrise. As Quentin was suffering with sore soles following yesterday’s mad dash to the albergue to beat the towel waving German down the mountain, we made 3 quite long stops today. This allowed us to walk 5 km more than planned to Fromista. Having done the additional 5 km puts us in good position to make the average travel day after tomorrow a lot shorter.

With Q’s feet suitably soaked we now need to try and find a place where we can soak our insides prior to immersing ourselves into the local culture on offer and revel in statistics - 51 km in 1 day, 83km in 2 days and 143km in 4 days - THAT´S SMOKIN´!!!!

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