6 Aug 2007

Day 3 (06-Aug-07) - Pamplona to Puenta La Reina

Clean, well soaked, completely washed up and another 23 km closer to our ultimate goal.

Todays’ hike took us through more of the beautiful Navarra region through a number of quaint little hamlets and villages. Fortunately, weather was quite inclement with the occasional drop of rain. If the sunny conditions of the previous 2 days would have persisted, we could have been in for a rather sweaty affair. As it was, weather was ideal since no shade was to be had.

Getting up at 05:00 and leaving the hotel by 05:45 hopefully meant we would have been the only idiots setting of at this unholy hour. As it turned out we weren’t the only eager beavers by far.

With the route getting progressively busier (although that’s still relative) the types of people encountered along the route incrementally grows more interesting. Having now joined the ranks of the proper pilgrims, we are fully equipped to tackle the next and first ‘long’ day tomorrow. Not, however, before sampling some of the local goodies we’ll find on today’s food & wine lists.


Anonymous said...

Feil here, just to say that Astrid looks the part. Any boils yet.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't sleep, so visit your blog. No sherry yet? Not in the area? Your reports don't make me sleepy but more awake, i wanna go there... (just a few days) but we'll work. Love, Yvon

Anonymous said...

Couldn't sleep, so visit your blog. No sherry yet? Not in the area? Your reports don't make me sleepy but more awake, i wanna go there... (just a few days) but we'll work. Love, Yvon

Nikki McAllen said...

Come on - walk faster!!! Can't wait to join you - you'll have to slow down on my first day though. Looking forward to some cloudy and cooler weather - it's all a bit hot and bothered here.