7 Sept 2010

Day 6 (06-Sep-2010) Kep

Today’s diary will be short as much of it was spent contemplating our journey to date from behind closed eyes while napping, sun bathing, enjoying full body massages or sucking down every cocktail on offer.

We were all most impressed with the renovated art deco style hotel xxx, which featured quite superb rooms. Bryan’s room was spectacular, with views over the infinity pool to the beach, its own outside entertainment area and sundeck on the roof.

Most of the motley crew opted to spend the morning on Rabbit Island, with Simon hounded during the entire stay by a pack of rabid wild dogs – clearly intent on amputating the gangrenous lower right leg. The rest took advantage of the idyllic setting to bask in the sun, swim in the surf, and read. Lunch was caught fresh before our very eyes and cooked on the beach where we enjoyed fresh black pepper crab, sea snails and fish.

The journey to and from the island was incredibly rough due to the windy conditions, raging storm and white tops breaking over the bow of an obviously dilapidated boat which appeared to have a re-cycled lawn mower for an engine. As a result the journey took longer than anticipated, with some passengers discovered gnawing on the remains of the poor cabin boy on return to the jetty.

Bryan was the most adventurous, hiring a 125cc scooter for the day for just $10. This enabled him to explore the countryside and replenish fiscal reserves at the ATM in Kam Pot. He also went sailboarding in the afternoon. Astrid & I opted to chill out, with the morning spent at the hotel pool, followed by an hour long massage of frail and exhausted torsos – truly pleasurable.

In fact, the entire crew also took advantage of the Spa in the afternoon, which featured a procession of tired & tortured bodies being coated in fragrant oils and beaten back into shape, if ever so gently!! Astrid, Alex and I ate a late lunch, washed down with a number of different cocktails, at our hotel. To help digest the food Astrid & I then went for a long walk along the coastline – a very scenic and picturesque setting that has all the right ingredients to become the next Phuket – at a third of the price and far more tranquil.

We eventually all convened at the hotel bar and restaurant to finish the day with more cocktails, a superb 5-course set dinner, washed down with some fine Oz & Chilean wine, and dished up with some erudite conversation (with Simon representing extreme fascist right wing views).

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