18 Mar 2015

Day 6 (12-Mar-15) Cradle Mountain

After yesterday’s exhausting schedule we opted for a lie-in – until 07:30hrs. We then had a hearty cooked breakfast to fuel up for the day ahead. On arrival back at Dove Lake we embarked on a hike around the shoreline, which is considered one of the 60 best walks in Australia. And it did not disappoint. Even though clouds again shrouded the summit of Cradle Mountain the scenery along the route is simply stunning. On return to the car park we then hopped on the bus back to Ronny Creek to search the river banks for Platypus – alas to no avail. Having failed to do so we decided to hike back along the Cradle Valley Board Walk to the Rangers Station via Snake Hill, where we then hiked the short Enchanted Walk.

Having covered a total of 21km we then elected to return to the Hotel to visit the Photo Gallery. This is a surprisingly large gallery, with a total of 10 rooms lined with stunning photos of flora, fauna, marine life and landscapes. Following this visual feast we ducked into the room for a quick shower, before then heading off for a walk through the forest surrounding the hotel in the hope of catching sight of more wildlife as dusk fell. Aside to a few pademelons however the majority of nocturnal animals were clearly having a sleep-in! Following dinner we came up with the idea of getting back in the car, armed with flashlights and cameras, for our own night time safari. And we were not to be disappointed, with a quoll rushing across the road just in front of us. We also chanced upon a female wombat with a juvenile in tow, as well as another with a baby tucked away in its pouch. We also caught sight of larger male wombats, a bush tailed possum, and of course numerous wallabies and pademelons.



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