18 Mar 2015

Day 5 (11-Mar-15) Launceston - Cradle Mountain (147 km)

In order to avoid ‘rush hour’ we elected to leave the city before 07:30hrs. To our great joy, the unseasonably warm and sunny weather of the past four days was still holding. However, as the morning wore on, ominous dark clouds rolled in from the west. Nonetheless, the scenery on route was stunning, and we were treated to a chance encounter with an echidna – all caught on video. On reaching the hotel at Cradle Mountain National Park, we found ourselves being battered by a cold rain and a bitterly cold wind – which was not entirely unexpected given the park is drenched in rain for 280+ days in the year. Undeterred, we changed into warm hiking gear and proceeded directly to Dove Lake, arriving just before noon.

Given the late hour and inclement weather we elected to go for a short walk only to Wombat Pool. However, on arrival at the pool, the weather seemed to clear a little so we elected to continue higher instead to Crater Lake, with the intention of returning to the car park via the famous Overland Track. However, on arrival at the lake, we could see patches of blue sky, and the wind appeared to wane. We thus elected to hike up to Marions Lookout, with a revised plan to then return to the car park via Marions Lookout Link Trial; a steep but quick descent off the mountain. Lo and behold, on arrival at the lookout, we now found ourselves blasted by a cold westerly wind, and pelted by hail. This soon abated however, and so following a quick snack, we opted for a forced march across the high plateau to Kitchen Hut, with the intention of returning to the car park via the Face Track, which traverses Cradle Mountain below the summit tower. That was the intention anyway….

Suffice to say, on arrival at Kitchen Hut, despite freezing conditions, horizontal rain, and very slick conditions underfoot, I found myself being ‘beckoned’ by the mountain now looming overhead. It was just after 14:00hrs and so the dash for the summit had to be a fast one if we were to get off the mountain before the last bus left the car park at 18:00hrs. I thus left Astrid in the warm and safe confines of the Kitchen Hut and rushed for the summit. After a short steep hike the route veers right across a large boulder field to beneath the last tower. The route then points straight up over a col. By then I was completely shrouded in cloud, which made route finding very difficult. Thankfully, I chanced across another climber, and we quickly agreed to complete the ascent together.

On reaching the summit we took obligatory photos of the head stone and each other before then beating a hasty retreat off the mountain – there was no point hanging around given the zero visibility. However, as is often the case, the descent was trickier than the ascent, but we nonetheless managed to make it back to Kitchen Hut unscathed. Astrid and I then beat a retreat to the car park, arriving at 16:45hrs, with arrival delayed a few minutes by a chance encounter with a large wombat – our first in the wild!

After returning to the hotel, we showered and changed for the evening meal, before then embarking on a group tour to visit the ‘Devils At Cradle’ sanctuary to watch more Tasmanian Devils feasting on a fresh carcases – somewhat macabre, but entirely natural, and a great delight! Seeing these guys playing tug-o-war with the carcass, all the while growling and hissing through clenched teeth and attempting to bite each other on the rump, was amazing. It was also incredible to see them devour the entire carcass – including hide, bone and teeth! We then embarked on a night time safari, catching sight of numerous wombats, wallabies, possums, and a very rare encounter with a wild Devil! We returned to the Hotel at 23:15hrs


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