11 Jul 2009

Day 4 (07-May-2009) Buna

Following usual routine of ocean dip and frugal breakfast we clambered into a motor launch for a 1hr boat trip to Gona, a very much larger settlement, but equally picturesque. It too has been rebuilt after being totally destroyed during intense fighting to ouster Japanese forces (On 09-Dec-42 Gona was the first of the three coastal Japanese strongholds to fall, prompting Col. R. Honner to send his famous message ‘Gona’s Gone!’). No visible trace remains of the battlefields, with the obliterated, tree-less and cratered landscape, reminiscent of WWI carnage, reclaimed by the jungle.
After strolling through some of the town’s attractions Simon managed to amuse pupils at a local school (and the rest of us) with his command of the 3 R’s. Sensing defeat we beat a hasty retreat by boat back to Buna for lunch. After another dip, we then headed back to old Buna via the beachhead rather than the interior route, hoping to make a few phone calls and, bowing to mental weakness, sink a few more beers. Alas, while we were successful at least getting out a few SMS messages, the town was completely dry! However, we were partially compensated by a most magnificent sunset on the way home – and that’s saying something having lived in the Tropics for 10 years.

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