12 Sept 2010

10-Sep-2010 - Simon's 50th Birthday Party

Host and invited guests gathered in the Elephant Bar from 18:00hrs, taking advantage of the $4.00 Singapore Slings during Happy Hour, before then embarking on the bus back to Prasat Kravan at 19:00hrs. Since departing Saigon, Simon had dropped a number of hints about the various ‘special events’ which had been organised as part of the birthday celebration program, with extravagance, writ large, being the defining theme. On arrival, we were greeted by two magnificent Asian elephants, both female, one a Matriarch; their massive bulk silhouetted against the temple remains, which had been illuminated in soft red and yellow light. These gentle giants were an instant sensation, with Alex, Astrid and Donna in particular content to nuzzle with kindred feline spirits. All the while, a small Khmer orchestra played in the background to add to the majesty of our surroundings.

We were then escorted to the marquee situated in front of the temple, which was ordained with a number of ice sculptures. Between each was a dancer in local costume, with the entire troupe performing a welcoming dance for the arriving guests. We were then attended to by an army of waiters, also exquisitely dressed, offering all manner of drinks and exotic hors d'oeuvres. For the next hour, we mingled with each other and the elephants, all the while soaking in the mystical jungle atmosphere under a starry night – truly magnificent.

At about 21:00hrs we moved to the back of the temple, where another marquee had been erected for dinner. The white ornate setting would have suited any Royal occasion, though few could have matched that offered by a 1300 year old temple. Before and between each course we were treated to more dancing spectacles to music from the orchestra. The menu was delicious, offering both quantity (my favourite) and quality (everybody else’s favourite), washed down with plentiful supply of good wine. All the while, we continued to be attended to on hand and foot by an army of waiters.

And then came the moment to present Birthday Boy with his just deserve – a sumptuous dark chocolate cake, presented by the dancing troupe, and with great fanfare. Simon was also presented with a boat Captain’s Hat, much to his liking, and revealing him for what he is – Gay Lord Biscuitbarrel-Smith, founding member of the Village People! Having being ‘Outed’, we gathered around for a photo shoot, the results of which suggest Simon has other ‘skeletons in the cupboard’ to be disclosed.

And so finally we raised a toast, marking two very special occasions; the first being the end of a journey through space, and the other, a continuing journey through time. The journey through space from Saigon to Angkor Wat had been truly memorable, cycling through terrain which differed with each passing day, under changeable weather conditions and with challenging obstacle courses thrown in for good measure. But by embracing and overcoming these hurdles, we were rewarded with fantastic vistas, met wonderful local people along the way, visited sites that exemplify the best and worst of mankind’s ingenuity and cemented friendships; all by celebrating our differences. Simon’s journey through time has many parallel’s, seeking to constantly challenge himself, and in the process extracting the most from life. And by ultimately putting back more than he takes, it is a life Most Remarkable.

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