25 Sept 2013

Day 2 (22-Sep-13) Death Valley - Zion NP (405 miles)

We departed our cottage in Panamint Springs at sunrise and headed back to Stovepipe Wells Village, where we picked up breakfast at the local general store. We then drove on to the entrance of Titus Canyon,  at which point we hit the dirt track that meanders down through this very remote region of Death Valley NP. The route through the canyon is narrow, steep, and in places, very exposed, with very sudden drop offs. Astrid however was up to the task, steering the AWD vehicle with consummate skill. The scenery en route was spectacular, with the pastel hues of the exposed stratigraphy spanning the entire visible spectrum.

On exiting the canyon we embarked on the long drive to Zion NP. The route passes through four states – California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah. The long straight roads, hot climate and bright sun made for tiring driving conditions. We were, however, very sensible, with all three of us taking turns at the wheel.  We also stopped on the outskirts of Las Vegas to refuel the car, body and mind. The landscape on the final leg through Arizona and Utah gradually changed from flat desert to high mountains, providing us a foretaste of the very dramatic scapes in Zion NP.

After dropping off our gear at the Hotel in the town of Huricane, we continued on Zion for an evening hike to the start of The Narrows, a stretch of the Virgin River at the head of the canyon that is listed as one of the top ten hikes in USA by National Geographic. On the bus ride back to the park entrance we also watched the sunset over the peaks that rise almost vertically for nearly 4000ft on either side of the canyon.

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