11 Jan 2010

Day 1 (18-Dec-2009) Singapore - Christchurch

This year’s holiday started entirely different from those of previous years: stress free!!! Things were actually so relaxed, that we had half an hour to spare (and therefore had to wait) before the taxi arrived to pick us up at 17:00 hrs yesterday afternoon. How on earth was it possible we managed to break a habit of a lifetime?

The secret to our success seems to have been due to having done all the packing the previous night. This left us with all the time in the world to drop off the cats, get the house spick and span and for Quentin to simply turn up at the office for a few hours prior to coming back home.

Catching the pre-booked taxi, which turned up at the appointed hour, getting checked in and boarding the flight on time, all were mere trifles compared to experiences we’ve had when trying to go on holiday from Dubai.

After an uneventful 9 hr flight, with some turbulence on the way, we touched down in Christchurch, having aged an additional 5 hrs en route, Quentin couldn’t overcome some minor feelings of frustration at the slow pace at immigration. I guess the start of any holiday has to be accompanied by some sort of stress….

The next wound inflicted as far as Quentin’s was concerned was wholly self-inflicted: he’d not cleaned his hiking boots after his trip to PNG earlier this year. As New Zealand (from here on known as NZ) is extremely cautious with respect to bio-hazards, Q’s boots had to undergo a rigorous cleaning routine to ensure no unwanted bugs or fungi could potentially pollute the country’s pristine environs. However, the wait could be considered by some to have been worthwhile as Q’s boots have not looked this clean since the day they were purchased. I did offer the Environmental Officer some money for the excellent job done. I think, however, that having had to handle Q’s boots, she was more than happy to get us out of her sight a.s.a.p.

Following a 20 minute taxi ride to our hotel, we were told that an 11:30 hr check-in was not possible and that we’d have to wait until 14:00 hrs. As we could leave our luggage at reception, we decided to head in to Christchurch for a coffee and our first impressions of this sleepy, 300,000 people city.

After a well deserved Starbucks, we decided that our best plan of action for the afternoon would be to visit the International Antarctic Centre at the airport. Seeing the little Blue Penguins when they were being fed was very cute. Most of these little critters have ended up at the Centre because they no longer have a chance of survival in the wild due to injuries sustained in a variety of accidents, usually involving man.

The other exhibits were almost equally as interesting and after some 3 hrs spent there, it was time to head back into town to take some pictures of some of the other sights and sounds we’d spotted on the way out to the Antarctic Centre, one of which was a statue of Scott, sculptured by his wife. Also, a 134 step climb to the top of the cathedral’s spire was, of course, something not to be missed. A quick stop to stock up on some foodstuffs for tomorrow’s drive following which we headed back to the hotel to, finally, check in.

18:35 hrs now and Quentin’s sound asleep. I think I’ll just join him in his 1 hr kip before we should try to get some dinner somewhere…..

Nearly 22:00 hrs now and, obviously, back at the hotel. Just opened a bottle of Delegat, Hawkes Bay, 2008, Cabernet Merlot: lovely! Almost as lovely as the wonderful dinner we had at the “New York Steak House” just down the street. The place didn’t look like much from the outside but was wonderful on the inside, in all respects.

Q’s just on the phone to M&D back home. Crazy to think they’re more than ½ day ahead, eh….. behind. Already confused about this time difference thing and don’t think that’ll get any better.

Although we’re not having an extremely early night on this, our first night here, after only 2 hrs sleep on the flight over and another ½ hr in the hotel before dinner, we won’t be too much longer before hitting the sack, I’m sure.

First impressions: green, lush, quiet, safe, peaceful, so looking forward to the next 3 weeks.

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