12 Jan 2010

Day 14 (31-Dec-2009) Te Anau - Wanaka - 240km

We have acquired a mascot for the car. Just as we were about to get into the car this morning, I noticed a poor little bird wedged into the grill, dead obviously. I haven’t investigated the matter any further so cannot give you details of the poor little munchkin’s pedigree, nor have I been able to positively identify the murderer. I have, however, been able to narrow down the list of suspects to either Quentin or myself, with Quentin taking 1st place as he’s got a previous record for road kills.

Today’s drive was to take us to our New Year Eve celebrations and wasn’t expected to cause any major hassles. At around 11 o’clock we were already well on our way to Wanaka and had reached Queenstown, where we decided to go for a little detour and where lo and behold, a Starbucks appeared out of nowhere (ok, we thought Queenstown looked large enough on the map to perhaps have a Starbucks).

Town was very busy and obviously preparing itself for this evening’s festivities. The short walk through town gave us the impression that Queenstown during wintertime could be quite a nice little ski resort. As it was nearly lunchtime and we’d heard so much about this particular burger place, Quentin simply had to try a Fergburger and put his mind at rest with regard to the name of the place.

The final 50 km of today’s drive to Wanaka took us across another pass. Scenery was stunning. Actually, where in NZ is the scenery anything but stunning? It was very windy though and we nearly got blown out of our pants. Some people were starting their New Year’s celebrations early and were attempting to drink beers using some obscure construction whilst standing on top of this very windy pass.

When we arrived at our hotel in Wanaka at 14:00 hrs, our room wasn’t ready yet so we decided to walk the 3 km into town and back out again. As was to be expected, making a booking in a restaurant wouldn’t be quite as easy, what with it being 31 December, or so we suspected. We were, however, assured that we’d be able to get a table if we’d be willing to perhaps wait a little while so decided to take our chances and walk back into town again later to see what we could get.

We’ve got a bottle of local bubbles in the fridge, just in case we have to be totally sad gits and commemorate 2009 in our room by ourselves and bring in 2010 in our room by ourselves.

Now, what could we do before celebrating New Year’s Eve at midnight? Gym, swim or sleep? Ok: sleep for me, some work for Q followed by dinner and then (now, 23:15 hrs) wait for midnight to finally arrive so we can make the customary phone calls to our family back home – who still have ½ day to go before they’re time is up.

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