11 Jan 2010

Day 9 (26-Dec-2009) Te Anau - Milford Track Clinton Hut - 5km

A quick read through the brochure provided on the Milford Track as part of our final pre-departure checks told us there would be no electricity available in any of the huts we’d be staying at, therefore, dump computer, nor would there be any showers available whilst en route, therefore, dump shower gel. I can already tell you that even if the shower we’ll be able to get on the 30th is the most pathetic trickle of cold-ish water, it’ll be one of the most anticipated events of that day, and possibly this holiday.

As we were up quite early and didn’t have to be at the bus collection point until 09:30 hrs, we had time for yet another sit down breakfast. We’d better make sure we don’t make a habit out of this as this ready supply of additional nourishment might suddenly cease to be.

A quick whiz through town to drop me and the luggage off at the bus stop so we didn’t already have to lumber around with our backpacks strapped to our back, following which Quentin could safe park the car back at the hotel and run back to where he’d just dropped me off. Due to some X-mas excesses of some of the bus drivers used on this route we were slightly late leaving Te Anau but as the ferry that would take us to the starting point of our walk would not leave without us, or so we hoped: no worries. Oh, in case I didn’t mention it before: it’s been raining, something that apparently is not very uncommon in this area.

Our bus dropped us off at the boat terminal at around 11:30 hrs and we reached our first stop of the Track, the Clinton Hut, by around 13:00 hrs. As rain is not the most ideal weather for bird watching and generally ensures people walk in the plod position, i.e. head down, there is nothing much special to report from today’s hike.

What do you mean “we got wet”? For the duration of the 5.5 km short hike to the hut, it rained (and is continuing to do so as we speak). The hut sleeps up to 40 people in 2 shelters with bunk-bed type accommodation. Pick your bed and hope you don’t end up sharing your sleeping quarters with the loudest snorer on the block. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for tonight.

Lunch was a frugal affair but the cup of hot tea was most welcome. With nothing much happening between now (14:30 hrs) and 17:00 hrs when there might be a ranger guided walk, we have no other choice but to watch the rain come done. Except watch the rain fall down, or did I already mention that, and hope not too many more walkers will arrive and want to share our hut.

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