12 Jan 2010

Day 18 (04-Jan-2010) - Picton - QCT Punga Cove - 25km

After getting up at 06:15, one would expect to start hiking by 8, say 9. Wrong!

Our boat (water taxi) to our starting point on the QCT did not leave until 8 and after numerous stops to drop off and collect various people along the track, a quick cuppa (we’d not had breakfast so a muffin was included with the cuppa) was quite enough to set us off on our 2 day hike by 10:15 hrs.

Unlike yesterday, we were greeted with beautiful sunshine which accompanied us all the way. Fortunately, there was still a considerable breeze (gale in some places) to cool us down whilst on the more exposed parts of the track. Regular gaps in the tree coverage afforded us more than just a fleeting glimpse of the many bays and coves whilst walking along the ridge of this windy outcrop.

Skies were so clear that at some point in our journey we believe we even caught sight of the North Island.

The track wasn’t exceedingly busy with other hikers or bikers nor was it too testing in most parts. Lots of sightings of Weka though!

At the end of the day I can confidently say: “Man, were my feet glad to get out of those hiking boots!” How did we ever manage to complete our 52 km mad dash in Spain? Today we only did 25 km. Pathetic!

As water and food supply on the track is zero (although the brochure would differ with me), we’ll need to go and get some provisions for tomorrow, including water as we did feel we were having to skimp on the 2 litres we had between us for the entire day. While we’re in town to do the shopping, we can perhaps pick up a beer on the way...?

Anyway, a quick rummage through the local “shop” for some food for tomorrow left us wondering what to do with the rest of our evening. The easy and obvious answer was drink and eat, and in that order.

I don’t think we’ve had a bad meal here yet, and this evening’s was no exception. Funny, how of all places, we were waited upon by a bevy of Dutch waiters.

21:30 hrs now and I think a short read of David Copperfield will leave me in good stead for the rest of the night.

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