12 Jan 2010

Day 20 (06-Jan-2010) Kaikora

Today we managed to see both NZ’s largest mammal and bird. The Sperm Whale and various species of Albatross. Of course, this was a feat that could only be accomplished if we were, yet again, willing to sacrifice a lie in and get up at some unholy hour. Actually, having both had to suffer a night of incessant coughing by Q, we might as well have foregone any attempts at sleep whatsoever!

Anyway, alarm was set for 06:30 hrs as our whale watching experience was due to commence around 8 with a 07:15 hrs check-in. Whilst waiting for the bus that would drop us off at the boat, we watched part of an amazing docu-film: The Big Blue (note to self: try to get a copy).

Not sure how successful the whale spotting would be and expecting something similar to our Hawaiian experience of many years ago, we dutifully followed the other tourists on board our designated vessel. It was only 15 minutes into our journey out to sea when the first Whale was already spotted and quite near by for that matter. There she blows!!! (Actually, we were to see young male bulls only so perhaps “There he blows!” would be more appropriate) Great!!! Excitement all over!!! Stop the boat, open the cabin doors and rush out onto the deck. No kidding!!! There was a Spermy just nearby!!! No, there were two of them!!!

Unfortunately, unlike the humpbacks, Sperm Whales are not known for the breaching antics

and this occasion was no exception. However, we saw plenty of exposed back while the Whales were at surface and caught some good sights of tails when two of these giants dived. Wonderful!!!

Having floated around for quite some time, unfortunately we had to make our way back again. Way too soon as far as I’m concerned. Can’t have it all I’m afraid, but considering we’d seen Spermies on a calm sea, who’s complaining?

On the way back we made a quick stop at another Seal colony and were joined by a pod of Dusky Dolphins. We were back ashore by about 10:30 hrs and now had to start thinking about what to do with the rest of our time in Kaikoura. After all, who’d expected this instant success with our Whale spotting exploits? How about we book ourselves in for an Albatross trip at 1? Right! Cup of coffee and a spot of shopping for tonight’s dinners before heading back out to sea again.

Again, as we weren’t sure what to expect, we were both overawed being able to see some of the 21 species of Albatross that roam the seas of the world. The Albatrosses were joined by some big and small varieties of Petrel and various other seabirds. The effortless flight of these large birds, especially the Albatross, simply takes your breath away and it is not until you’re close to one of these giants that you realise how big they really are.

This had been an experience not to be missed and I think possibly even more impressive than what we saw this morning. As far as I was concerned, it was made even more special because of the much smaller size of boat and group.

We just had a cup of tea back at our cottage and I think I could do with a little snooze before our (intended) little run later on.

22:15 hrs now. Ok, the run didn’t materialise. The snooze, however, did and most pleasant it was too. After the snooze we had a cottage cooked meal of peas (guess who requested those) & pasta: jummy......

We then decided, around 7, to go for a walk from which we just returned. After all, we have to make the most of this beautiful weather and landscape while we can. The trip took us slightly longer than planned, or was perhaps slightly further than indicated on the map. Arriving back to our accommodation in pitch dark was actually quite nice as total darkness on this holiday usually didn’t take place until were well asleep.

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