19 Aug 2007

Day 16 (19-Aug-07) - Leon

Another lazy start, with Astrid making first move at 08:00hrs to repack rucksacks. We then headed through eerily quiet streets for breakfast and use WiFi link to update blog site. The masses meanwhile had flocked to the various churches and cathedral to overflowing, proving in this province at least that Catholicism is alive and well.

On returning to the Hotel we checked out and continued along the Pilgrims Path across town to the Hotel originally booked for our planned arrival today in Leon. We then phoned Nikki to check her flight progress, after which we embarked on another self-guided tour, this time around the river district.

Breaking with tradition we elected to purchase supplies at local Supermarket to make our ‘Jamon con Queso Boccadillos’, washed down of course with bottle of Leon’s finest export. While walking of the after effects, we bumped into 2 fellow Perigrinos that we last saw in Belorado. They had just arrived, having taken the bus to cover the last 13km into town. They too were looking forward to 2 days respite and nurse aches and pains.

Nikki alas was plagued by flight delays so, poor girl, did not arrive at the Hotel until well after midnight. At least her backpack made it to Leon however.

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