26 Aug 2007

Day 22 (25-Aug-07) - Trabadelo to Fonfria

Up with slightly gingerly legs and on the road by 06:20 hrs, which put us in good stead to finish the day in Fonfria. This in turn would enable us to reach Santiago a day earlier than originally planned for some obligatory sightseeing. As there was a definite chill in the air at this early morning hour, Nikki opted to wear everything in her backpack, including the backpack itself, for additional warmth, while Quentin decided a T-shirt and shorts would suffice.

Passing through quite a number of very scenic villages set in an equally beautiful landscape made for extremely pleasant walking. After some 2 hrs en route the obligatory coffee/tea stop was called for. Onwards & (fortunately) upwards!

Nikki seemed to be undecided as to what or how much to wear due to the constantly changing weather conditions, which one minute were sunny and hot and the next minute positively blustery. Also, due to Nikki’s regular need for toilet stops, Quentin has decided Nikki has a bladder smaller than that of a Lesser Lorrie’s.

Reaching our ultimate destination just before 16:00 hrs, passing 600km mark in the process, we were forced to try our luck at the local Albergue. As it turned out we choose wisely since we ended up with our own private room with bathroom for € 12,00 a head.

After a quick phone call to various parents and loved ones (especially Mum & Maarten to ensure they will be available to ferry our considerable luggage to Santiago for the final push) all that’s left to do is ‘defungify’ ourselves and await the evening meal – accompanied by a bottle of wine……

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