8 Aug 2007

Day 4 (07-Aug-07) - Puenta la Reina to Villamayor

With over 32 km under our boots today and not feeling too much worse for wear, there is hope for the future. Although we’ve got another hard 30km+ day to look forward to tomorrow, we know we can do it (in principle). Yes, we can.

As there was quite a bit of walking to be done, 05:00 was again the designated wake-up time. Getting all our stuff sorted meant we weren’t able to leave until 05:40. Wanting to ensure we will be able to continue our walk all the way to Santiago de Compostela meant pacing ourselves, therefore making regular stop.

A quick and rather light lunch (must have been as I’m starving now) in Estella around 11:00 and onwards and upwards took us to Villamayor and our first dormitory accommodation by 14:00. The last stretch after Estella was supposed to have filled up our empty water bottles with some free wine from the Iroche Bodega, but this was not to be as the, obviously too numerous, hikers ahead of us today had already managed to empty todays’ pilgrims allotment.

15:30 sounds like the perfect time for a reconnaissance trip of the village and hopefully a little drink, which is what I think we should do now.

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