26 Aug 2007

Day 23 (26-Aug-07) - Fonfria to Sarria

After waking up most of the bunks at the Albergue trying to find the pre-sparrow fart exit, we finally made it out into the blustery wind to head off on our morning’s descent in the dark. Don’t tell Q but I quite enjoy our early morning starts as it breaks up the day and watching the sun rise is magnificent.
The descent into Triacaleta was nowhere near as bad as expected much to our relief but being Sunday our arrival was not welcomed by the usual smell of coffee and bocadillos– even worse no one seemed to be at church so the village was just having a lie-in! So off we continued on the shorter 27km route only to be greeted by more hills! Thankfully the wooded route took us to eggs and bacon at Casa Franco where we saw the most gorgeous litter of Alsatian pups only days old, quite indignant at their first experience of Spanish rain.
Onwards we headed through quite a long thunderstorm to Sarria which put our wet weather gear to the test. Safely now nestled in our hotel we are ready to paint the town pink (well –tinto probably) with Astrid’s mum and Maarten who arrive today.

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