13 Aug 2007

Day 8 (11-Aug-07) - Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado

“Only a short, easy day” I can hear you think “So let’s just skip reading today’s escapades”. Well, there was absolutely nothing easy about today, let me tell you!Quentin spent half the night with either the front or the rear end hanging over a toilet as a result of seafood poisoning – swine crustaceans!. Getting up this morning therefore was and wasn’t easy for him as you can imagine.In my case, my left foot – especially the little toe – still isn’t feeling any better. In fact, it felt more painful and swollen than on previous days so Quentin’s sandals were the only option for me as far as walking was concerned.

As Q was feeling rather faint, I had to carry some additional stuff with the weight distribution now being 20 kg for me and a mere 11 kg for Quentin (or so it felt to me anyway).On the trail by about 07:45 and a short tea/toilet stop some 2 hrs later. The final 3 hrs to Belorado really took its toll on Q and it showed. Not only did he have his insides to contend with, the sun also bore down on us unrelentingly, and to top it all off the path we were having to follow was extremely boring and unshielded from the sun and devoid of any breeze.

We did make it to Belorado nonetheless but decided that the Albergue I had booked (with dormitory accommodation) was possibly not the place to be. The first obvious Hostal or other was to be our refuge for the rest of the day. Turned out the place to be (Casa Waslala) is run by a Dutch guy and his Ecuadorian wife, so it has to be good.

Dumped Q in our room so I could hunt for some rehydration fluids and provisions for tomorrow. On my return Q was already well looked after with a pot of green tea. Finally a chance for me to sit down and peel my plasters off. On doing so, the ooze from my little toe immediately started free flowing. With the pressure in that area at least having been relieved, I can now go for my well earned shower while Q has a snooze.

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