23 Aug 2007

Day 20 (23-Aug-07) - Foncebadon to Ponferrada

HORRENDOUS! After transporting our flabby carcasses 520km up and down dale, our feet protested with great indignation at the harsh treatment inflicted on them today during the 1100m descent from Foncebadon. Jamming toes into front end of boots was considered particularly egregious behaviour. The fantastic sunrise over mountainous landscape and the vista of the plains below us was scant recompense for the intense misery felt by feet and knees alike.

This was a true baptism by fire for Nikki on just her 4th day of walking. All told, we covered 28.6km today in 8.3hrs, at the end of which Nikki surpassed the 100km mark. Alas, she may face a sleepless night contending with various throbbing pains.

A highlight, more so than normal, was our breakfast stop in El Acebo, a quaint hamlet 12km from Foncebadon. Their house specialty is cheese covered tuna sandwich made from donut dough – obviously high in calories, but we needed them. Another highlight was coffee stop in Molinaseca at bottom of the descent. The restaurant was situated next to a mountain stream into which we could dip our hot sore feet while rehydrating on beer.

Tonight’s entertainment will likely be very restrained and limited to sitting-only activities


Anonymous said...

Folks, Neil here in the sweltering desert a mere 54deg C, so no more bellyaching about sore feet and throbbing pain, just get on with it. Q you're daily calorie count must be wrong cos that last photo of you looks as though there is excess calories going in. I also find that a bout of vigorous sex normally gets rid of the throbbing pain.

Madeleine said...

But who will have sex with whom ? Unless Nikki finds something in the hills there. Please ....this is a pilgrimage ....