31 Aug 2007

Day 26 (29-Aug-07) - Palas de Rei to Arzua

After having to nearly forego breakfast as the bartender who was to take our order was either not in the mood, or not sufficiently awake at the ungodly hour of 06:00, we managed to set off at 06:30 hrs. Leaving Palas de Rei in a slight drizzle, which occasionally gave way to short, alternating bouts of clear(ish) skies and dark clouds heavy with more rain, the first and only coffee stop for the day was scheduled in Melide.
As today was to be our penultimate day on The Camino, perhaps we should have savoured the here and now some more by dragging out our walking time to at least 6 hrs. Alas, this was not to be as we already reached the hotel before 13:00 hrs, spending a mere 5½ hrs on the road – not nearly enough by my reckoning!!!
In considering a ritual burning of used underwear (not needed anymore after tomorrow), it was unanimously decided to instead opt for the less dramatic disposal method of depositing them in the bin ( in the absence of an incinerator). After the body and luggage cleansing session it was time for a well earned lunch accompanied by the obligatory bottle of wine. This recalled the reverential ‘Sermon on the Mount’, in which Brian had misheard ‘Blessed are the Cheese Makers’, as Arzua is world famous for its cheese, and rightly so based on the plate had for lunch.
Awaiting final instructions from the bag collection service to be provided by Nelly & Maarten 2/3’s of our company have decided the best mental and physical preparation for tomorrow’s final push into Santiago is some serious zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd’s (with the occasional loud snore from Q). As I am obviously the deeper thinker of the group, I have chosen the more cerebral alternative of contemplating the world through the inside of my eyelids

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