13 Aug 2007

Day 9 (12-Aug-07) - Belorado to Burgos

After night of feverish sweats to get rid of the last of the food poisoning we departed at 05:45hrs for what was meant to be a routine hike to San Juan de Ortega. As always the first hour progressed in total darkness, with coffee and tea stop taken on arrival in Villafranco at 08:00hrs. At 12km this was to be our half way point.

However, with a favourable breeze, shade through the forested route ahead and fantastic scenery, we found ourselves in San Juan at 10:50hrs; a ridiculously early time of the day. We thus decided to push on to Atapuerca 6 km further on.
On the way, we bumped into Brian once more, who volunteered he was intending to cross the next ridge and as far as possible to Burgos. Having reached Atapuerca by 12:30hrs, and with conditions still favourable, we opted to accompany Brian. On reaching Orbaneja at 14:00hrs Brian treated us to a few beers. 0.5hrs later, feeling well oiled, we continued on our way.

Alas Brian started to feel acute pain in his right leg just before Castanares, so after assuring ourselves he could ´hop´ into town on his good leg, we abandoned the ‘old codger’ to his fate and legged it ourselves into Burgos, arriving at 17:10hrs, covering 51km total for the day in just under 12 hrs.

Now where’s the bar, my old mate San Miguel is waiting for me...

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